Thursday, June 24, 2010

17 Weeks

To the tune of "the Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music".... "Lindsey is Alive, in her 2nd Trimester! La la la la!!"

Ok, so maybe not that dramatic, but i need to express how much better life is outside of the 1st Trimester. So Much! I feel back to myself again. The thought of food doesnt scare me, it actually thrills me. The horrible feeling in the morning right after you get out of bed is no longer there. I wake up and no longer need a saltine. I'm walking and working out a little bit better, just trying to stay active. And my energy is up and relatively high all things considering. All in All... i'm enjoying this phase of pregnancy.

So the part that has been conspicuacsly absent from all this pregnancy bliss talk is the whole expanding waistline. I'm trying to get used to the idea that things will not look the same on me. I put away the short shorts, spagetti strap tanks and jean skirts (thats was actually a funny story, i thought it might fit a few weeks ago and couldnt even get it over my butt). I've traded in my old attire for some maternity shorts, loose dresses and the longest tank tops and ts i can find. I've even brought rebirth to a few old things i wore in high school... i had these roxy and hard tail elastic waist skirts to go to the beach in... now, they work for maternity wear. Who would've thought i was so forward thinking?!

Cravings. Nothing really crazy. Anything with Salt is usually in the cards for me. Edamame with Soy sauce, Actually anything with Soy Sauce. Queso and Salsa. Mushrooms. Hummus and carrots. I keep thinking about an In N Out burger... need to get one when i'm back in SD this summer. Spicy Red marinara sauce. Any veggie dipped in Ranch... do you get the picture? Salt. Not cake or ice cream or donuts. Salt. Need to watch out i dont get Kankles and puffy hands from all the salt. However, i think they're probably inevitable.

Dreams. So, i kept reading in my books about these Pregnancy dreams and hadnt had one until a few weeks ago. Now its like the AMC theater everytime i go to bed. I usually have a series of 3 or 4 very vivid dreams. Its like i wake up and have to ask Ben if that really happened. I dont really remember too many and the ones i do are scary, so i'll post any funny dream stories once i can start remembering. As TO says, Bring your Popcorn!

My books say Jellybean is the size of the palm of my hand! How cute.

Finally - Gender appt is tomorrow. We cant wait to find out. Ben's thinking Boy. I think its wishful thinking. I go back and forth. Who wants to put in a guess... In true Brewer Fashion, we should have a pool or something. We bet on everything else, why wouldn't we bet on our baby's sex? ha.

Almost 18 weeks and counting... Almost Halfway through!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Walker Day

Sunday, we were invited to celebrate sweet Walker's Baby Dedication at church this week with the Zolfos family and friends. He's looked like an absolute doll and he did so well up in front of church with mom and dad. Matt and Lindsey were so sweet and hosted a luncheon after church to honor her little guy! After lunch, Walker was even kind enough to show off and show us his new crawling and pulling up tricks... he's got a little ham in him! Thanks Matt and Linds for including us! Its so fun to watch your lil one grow.
As you can see, Walker is used to being around pretty ladies! He looked SO Darling in his handsome outfit.
Walker also found a new girlfriend in Baylie, he kept giving her kisses and hugs... SO cute!!
BTW... please excuse the side shot... preggo girl needs to learn she's not allowed to stand on the end anymore!

Weekend with the Brewers/Elkins in Dallas

Last Weekend the Brewers/ Elkins came to Dallas for a visit. Thank goodness they brought the humidity with them... it was a hot weekend in Dallas! ha. jk, its been very unusually humid up here. But we didnt let it stop us, we played all day with the twins, visited Ben's office downtown, played on a playgroud, and shopped too! We had a wonderful time catching up with family and adoring those precious boys. Here's a few pix of the weekend

Uncle Ben played with the boys in the yard. They played baseball, set up the pool, and ran throught he sprinklers too. They're 3 and a half and they're all boy!
Daddy Dave got chased by the hose!
Look at that fun sprinkler!

Those smiles could just melt anyones heart!

Big Boy Conner

Big Boy Nathan
Visiting Uncle Ben's office.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ben's latest Milestone

In the spirit of documenting milestones, I thought I wouldn't leave out Ben with his recent accomplishments. His development team has just opened a brand new, high end gated community in Las Colinas. They've worked so hard on this project and now its so fun to see the fruits of their labor. Here are a few pix from their Grand Opening ceremony earlier this week.
Lakes of Las Colinas Lake with Fountain.
The amenity center in the common area of the community. So pretty.
One of the model homes.
Its so fun to finally see what he's been working so hard on. One day we'll drive little Jellybean by this development and say, "Your daddy built this place!"
So proud of you B. Love you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Green Thumb

Ben and I spent the entire weekend relaxing at the house. We decided that we will start a little tradition.... to plant a tree at our house in honor of each baby we have. So, this weekend, we planted Jellybean a tree at the house. Not like a creepy "love fern" from the movie How to Loose a Guy, but we thought it would be sweet to plant a tree in their honor wherever we live at the time. So, here's our Jellybean's Japanese Maple tree. Its so pretty and right by our front door.

View from the walk way.
Close up of the leaves. We just love these types of trees and think it will really enhance our house, just like our new little darling will.
My Tomatos are coming in! Cant wait for summer salsa and bruschetta from the garden!

My herb garden, Just love having these at my fingertips. the newest plant is the on the far right... its a Meyer lemon plant. Hoping to have some this summer! If not, at least its pretty!